Applying for a Cake?  Click here for an application.


Because it's not just a cake!

We know how it sounds. How can cake make a difference when there are so many other things to worry about Well, that’s exactly the point.

Medical families have SO many things to worry about…

Doctor’s appointments. Tests. Treatments. Bills. Special diets. Prescriptions. Insurance.

When so much time, energy, and money has to be diverted to medical care, simple things—like a birthday cake—become a luxury. And when celebrations are skipped, medical families begin to crave a sense of normalcy.

Here’s what cake has meant to the tens of thousands of families served by Icing Smiles.

For the familes we serve, cake is...

A temporary, oh-so-joyful escape

For families experiencing the critical illness of a child, most days are a blur of unrelenting stress and worry. Amidst a seemingly endless sea of negative emotions, small moments of joy and hope matter.

Research says it. Our families say it. And our 20+ years of experience says it, too!

An Icing Smiles dream cake gives children (like Xavier) a chance to leave the medical world behind, even for just one day. It’s an opportunity to laugh, smile, and celebrate—to feel like a “normal kid” again.

Want to give kids a much-needed escape? to Icing Smiles! (And, by the way, here’s exactly where your money goes.)
collage of Xavier posing with cake
Caroline smiling with a cat cake

A special treat for super siblings

Children with chronic and critical illnesses often, by necessity, take center stage in a family—leaving healthy siblings to face a whole host of challenging emotions like sadness, anger, loneliness, resentment, and guilt.

That’s why Icing Smiles is so proud to serve siblings, too. (We like to call ‘em “super siblings” because we so admire their love, resilience, patience, and dedication.)

Siblings like Caroline, Emma, Damian, and Norma Jean!

Show siblings some love by carrying our vision! Beyond baking as a Sugar Angel, there are SO many ways to get involved.

A sign that they’re not alone

Icing Smiles cakes are for parents and caregivers, too! Medical parents often feel guilty that everything in their child’s life has to revolve around illness, that they no longer have as the time, resources, and emotional energy to celebrate their children like they want to.

Our Sugar Angels understand, and they know they’re not just baking a cake! They’re showing families that they’re seen, loved, and cared for—even by perfect strangers.

As Sugar Angel Candice Simeoni says:

“Even though these cakes are for children, my goal is to make the parents feel a sense of joy and support as well.”

Got the baking gene like Candice (and our 13,000+ volunteer bakers)? Become a Sugar Angel!
woman and kid with pixar cars cake
dancing person with cake and megaphone icon

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: It’s not just a cake! It’s a gift of the most precious resource any family can have: happy memories.

Icing Smiles by the numbers







Explore more lives touched and smiles made!