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Smiles for Miles

When Miles’ baby sister was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, his mother was not able to attend his third birthday. The year that followed was very difficult for their family, and having a special Mario cake to celebrate this amazing big brother was just what the whole family needed.
Miles was so excited to be a big brother. He was going to have a baby sister, and she was going to be born right around his birthday! But she came two weeks early and needed to be in the NICU with complications and was eventually diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.
This incurable inherited disorder causes damage to the lungs and other organs of the body. It can also negatively affect the digestive system. Miles’ new baby sister needed a procedure known as an ostomy to help clear waste from her body at only a few days old.
“Mama Mia!”
His birthday came and went without a party, without his mother who needed to be in the hospital with baby sister Eden, and without the smiles of celebration. In the words of Miles’ mother Haley, “I was not able to be there with Miles on his birthday, and it broke my heart.”
The year that followed was filled with doctor visits and difficulties. Miles tried to be a good big brother to little sister Eden, even though she needed most of the time and energy of their mother.
“Mario Time!”
Haley was determined to make Miles’ fourth birthday extra special. She was so grateful for a special cake for her son on his birthday.
He has had a rough year, and it makes me so happy we were able to have a day focused on him with this extra special cake.
The fun Mario cake brought smiles to Miles and his family. You would never guess that this joyful Mario look-a-like had a hard year. With such a special cake donated by an amazing baker, this family was able to spend the day focused on a wonderful boy. It was “Miles Time!”

Give a Smile
Each cake we serve is more than just a cake — it’s a chance to make a magical memory. Help us create a smile.