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Sibling Smiles

Little ChuChu Xan was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor called Hypothalamic Hamartoma (HH) at just 2 ½ years old. Due to the tumor, he has intractable seizures (which do not respond to medication), endocrine dysfunction, vision impairment, and developmental and cognitive delays. Xan underwent brain surgery at the age of 3 to disconnect the tumor from the hypothalamus. His seizures stopped for 11 weeks, but his doctors are discussing the need for another brain surgery, which poses a significant risk to further compromise his eyesight. Xan is in speech and occupational therapy and has been monitored for endocrine dysfunction, diabetes insipidus, and behavior changes since the age of 2.
Xan is a very out-going, fun, loving, rambunctious little boy that enjoys swimming, boating, biking and going to the park, zoo and beach. He has an older brother, Giovanni (Gio) and a little sister, Isabella (Izzy). They are close siblings who enjoy playing together and being with each other as much as possible!
Viviana Ramos-Perez of Sweet Swirls Custom Desserts in Coral Springs, FL made a Wild Kratt’s cake for Xan’s 4th birthday celebration! Xan was in the hospital the week before AND the week after his party, but fortune smiled on his birthday and his family is so grateful that his celebration and cake were so special.
Not long after Xan’s 4th birthday, his sister Isabella celebrated her 3rd birthday with an Icing Smiles cake of her own! Angela McEllin of
Xan and Izzy’s family shares “This is truly on of the most beautiful organizations our family has been a part of. To experience joy in the midst of heartache is truly a blessing to our family. Thank you!”
You can follow Xan’s story on Facebook.