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Chicago’s Sweetest Showdown

The annual Icing Smiles Chicago Buttercream Ball was held on November 3rd. Each year at the Ball, three Sugar Angels pair up with a Super Hero Kid from the area that has received a cake and compete in the Domino Sugar Showpiece Showdown! The teams compete to create a show-stopping sweet centered around the theme of the night to win the audience’s votes and raise money for Icing Smiles. The theme for 2018 was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which led to some creative cakes! Read on to meet this year’s teams and see the cakes:
3rd Place – Franco Reyes & Michelle Boyd
Michelle has been an Icing Smiles Sugar Angel since 2012, but has been crafting confectionary creations since 2005. Michelle is the owner of Good Gracious Cakes and has had her award-winning cakes featured in Cake Masters Magazine, Sweet Magazine, and American Cake Decorating. You may have seen her work on shows such as “Outrageous Wedding Cakes” and “Haunted Gingerbread Showdown”.
Franco was a huge help in creating the team’s Willy Wonka inspired masterpiece! Franco has beaten Burkitt’s Lymphoma, but shortly after developed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Currently, with the help of his sister through a bone marrow transplant, his AML is in remission. It’s that fighting spirit that has cemented his status as a superhero.
2nd Place – Cy Petrosino & Emily Easterly
Emily is a cake decorator and instructor at the Wilton school in Darien, IL. In addition to making cakes for Icing Smiles since 2011, she has lent her additional talents to various administrative positions within the organization on the Technology team and, most recently, heading the Social Media team. Emily was also the 2017 Showpiece Showdown winner!
Together, Cy and Emily whipped up a wonderful Golden Ticket themed cake complete with Oompa Loompas! Cy has always been a tough competitor; he was heavily involved in sports since he could walk up until the very week he was diagnosed with cancer. Now Cy has focused his spirit on giving back. From blood drives to foundation fundraisers, Cy will stop at nothing to make the world a better place!
1st Place – Noah Padilla & Alicia Eisenmann
Alicia has been partnering with Icing Smiles since 2016. Alicia has always loved baking, but she truly realized her passion for cake decorating during her time at Kendall College. After an internship at Sea Island Resort in Georgia, she realized that this was the career that she was meant for. Now Alicia is the owner of Delish Cakes with 2 locations, in Bloomingdale and Elgin, IL.
Noah and Alicia collaborated to create the first prize confection! Channeling his own galaxy birthday cake he received last year from Icing Smiles, the pair secured the top spot with their vibrant, gravity-defying treat tower. From the gumdrop base to the lollipop topper, even Willy Wonka himself agreed that their creation took the cake!
This story lovingly contributed by Icing Smiles blogger Megan Glynn.
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