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From our Founder: The Wish that Sparked the Smiles

The question I get asked more than any other is, “Why did you decide to do this?”
You would think by now I would have my elevator speech down. The problem is there was no “lightbulb” moment. It was a million different life events that each handed me a piece of the puzzle. When I put those pieces together it became Icing Smiles. I would like to introduce you to one of those pieces, Ronnie. Ronnie was my first Make-A-Wish kid.
I was a recent college graduate working at an accounting firm in Philadelphia trying to find “purpose.” Having been exposed to the world of childhood illness through the Penn State Dance Marathon as an undergrad, I thought I may find that purpose as a Wish Granter for Make-A-Wish. What I found was Ronnie. Ronnie, a HUGE movie buff, wanted a big screen TV. We were able to do so much more. I will never forget pulling up to his home in a Limo to take him to Toys-R-Us for a private shopping spree before they opened. Management made such a big deal about him being there and he was allowed to fill the cart with whatever he wanted. Then we went on to Best Buy where I had to “fight” with the manager to to get a deal on the TV he wanted. The “fight” ended when I told him to come out to the car to meet Ronnie. I am pretty sure we left with the biggest TV in stock at a very sweet price.
I believe that there was a lot more to that day but 25 years have faded the details. While the specifics have faded, the emotions attached to the day are as vivid today as they were then. I remember wanting to scoop that kid up and bear hug him so tight that his brain tumor would be the least of his worries. I remember thinking that this kid who is going through so much is SO “normal.” I remember thinking that his mom was a “rock star” for her ability to raise such a great kid under impossible circumstances. I remember that his gratitude and humility was a rush to which I could easily become addicted. I remember that I knew instantly that he had impacted me for a lifetime.
As I put the Icing Smiles puzzle together, it was that personal experience with Ronnie that would become our model. He is why we connect Sugar Angels to the families directly rather than work through social workers. I wanted our volunteers to have the same experience I had granting Ronnie’s wish. I wanted them to meet these kids who give us more than we give them. I wanted them to connect with parents who are living a life they never expected or wanted. Nothing motivates you to do more than experiencing the impact you are having on others so the model would be self-sustaining.
My experience with Ronnie came full circle about 6 years ago. Icing Smiles was asked to do a cake for the Ronald McDonald Camp for kids with cancer. We were honored, but nothing topped my excitement when I found out that Ronnie was now an adult counselor at that very camp. It seemed like the “God Wink” I needed to let me know I was doing exactly what He planned for me.

On October 10th, Ronnie’s body decided it was done fighting. That “boy” lived his faith and I firmly believe that he is pain-free and planning out his movie schedule for eternity. Today he is laid to rest and family circumstances are getting in the way of me getting to Philadelphia to celebrate his life with his family. I can only hope that this substitute will be enough to honor his legacy.
To his mom, Tracey – From the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing him with me. There is a piece of him in every cake we serve.
With Love + Cake Always,
Tracy Quisenberry
Icing Smiles Founder and Executive Director
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