Applying for a Cake? Click here for an application.

Current volunteer opportunities.
Just some of the ever-changing list of needs; don’t see anything to your ‘taste,’ apply anyway, we may be able to create something just for you!
- Outreach Ambassadors: Individuals interested in being vision carriers for Icing Smiles! Areas of opportunity include hosting and supporting events, working with hospitals and medical facilities, and more!
- Development Coordinators: These volunteers help us with some of our most important work, securing dollars so that we can continue to deliver cakes and support our volunteers. Areas of opportunity include working with corporate sponsors, identifying partnerships and more!
- Violet’s Bake Sale Coordinators: For those interested in hosting a one time event, Violet’s Bake Sale is a great opportunity. On the admin side, we can always use extra assistance with logistics and implementation.
- Donor Management & Retention/Giving: These volunteers help us acknowledge our donors, promote donor retention and repeat donors, and manage all incoming donations to the org.
- Grants: Work to identify potential grants to benefit the org, as well as apply for and maintain contacts.
- Office 365 Administrator
- Quickbase Platform: Quickbase is the CRM powering our nationwide operations! (Here’s why Quickbase so essential.)
- Database Download
- Database Website
- Google Ads
- Newsletter
- Social Media/Blog Specialists
- Digital Campaigns
- Social Media Team
- Graphics Team
- Blog Team
- Editor
- Internal Communications
- Cake Coordinator
- Cake Assistant
- Cookie Coordinator
- InvestCAKErs
- Baker Updates
- Student Ambassador
- Spanish Translator
- Angel Recruiting